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Phone Scams Targeting McAfee Customers

Computer security software customers, such as McAfee, are a favorite target of scammers.  They often send fraudulent and alarming email messages, enticing victims to call phony oversees call centers.

If you have received an email claiming to be from McAfee that includes a phone number, you can search the list provided here to see if it’s known to be associated with scam email messages.

The following phone numbers have been associated with such scams:

Spammed numberReformatted
+61 0352940147 0352940147
+61 - 3 - 9010 - 5499390105499
+44 (118-228 -6526)1182286526
+1 (206) 809-06002068090600
+1 (213) 260-37122132603712
+1 (251) 263 53502512635350
+1 *251* 317 *0004*2513170004
+1 256/410/82402564108240
(+1******276******477******5906) 2764775906
+1 (309) 468-46113094684611
+1 – 309 -777 – 35783097773578
+1 (360) 774-56283607745628
+1 (408) 600-14664086001466
+1 (408) 641-33594086413359
+1 (408) 717-46844087174684
+1 (415) 682 67124156826712
+1 (508) 671 75815086717581
+1(510) 722-70865107227086
+1 517-2157-6255172157625
+1(517) 833 96475178339647
+1 (540) 440-19925404401992
+1 561 285 20025612852002
+1 575 322 46345753224634
+1 (580) 928-09105809280910
+1(601) 880–27076018802707
+1 (609)736-09406097360940
+1 (609) 948-07526099480752
+1 ______ (630,233,4162)6302334162
+1 (657) 275-35656572753565
+1 (657) 385-33986573853398
+1 (660) 220-05286602200528
+1 661-9038-5376619038537
1-707-247-8171 7072478171
+1 7O7 ( 657-456O )7076574560
1 - ( 7 1 2 ) - ( 3 3 5 - 7 1 6 8 )7123357168
+1(775) 655– 97087756559708
+44 (800-055-4587)8000554587
0800 090 36738000903673
1 (800) 411-49398004114939
+1 – ( 800 ) – ( 690 ) – 85018006908501
+1 (801) 206-94318012069431
801 285-93308012859330
+1 (801) 430-95378014309537
+1(801) 430-95468014309546
+1 801 639 90948016399094
+1 (801) – (701) – (1801)8017011801
+1 801 895 31758018953175
**+1** **802** **227** **5599**8022275599
**+1** **802** **227** **5820**8022275820
+1 - 802 - 330 - 06098023300609
+1 (802)400-52048024005204
+1 (802)44945148024494514
+1 (802)44945148024494514
**+1** **802** **685** **8093**8026858093
+1 802-7352-5348027352534
**+1** **802** **866** **1287**8028661287
+1 803 573 55148035735514
+1 8 O 3 ,6 8 1 , 8 7 5 O 8036818750
+ 1 8 0 3 7 0 9 8 8 1 58037098815
+1 (803)-816-14988038161498
(803) 868-60418038686041
+1 804 280 60328042806032
+1 (804) 505-99088045059908
+1 (804) 505-99088045059908
+1 *804* – **735** - *7911*8047357911
+1 804-889-08788048890878
**+1** **804** **942** **0116**8049420116
**+1** **804** **942** **0120**8049420120
+1 (805) 225-40078052254007
+1 805 2430 0998052430099
+1 805 2430 1038052430103
+1(805) 265– 31188052653118
+1(805) 283-90018052839001
+1 (805)-354-56998053545699
+1(805) 419-90778054199077
+1(805) 467-67178054676717
+1 805 633 05518056330551
+1 805 633 05518056330551
+1(805) 742-45078057424507
+1 (805) 817-96238058179623
+1 (8O5-888-4128)8058884128
+1 (805) 926 68518059266851
(806) 301-50788063015078
**+1** **806** **419** **2086**8064192086
**+1** **806** **419** **9544**8064199544
+1 (806) 440-08968064400896
(806) 545-15998065451599
+1 *808* - *207* - *2081*8082072081
+I (8O8) 215 70088082157008
+1 (808) 336-26788083362678
+1 808 336 29418083362941
**+1** **808** **353** **0805**8083530805
**+1** **808** **353** **0907**8083530907
+1 (808) 378-34518083783451
+1 8O8-4000397 8084000397
+1(808) 427-81028084278102
**+1****808** **437** **5174** 8084375174
+1(808) 437-84408084378440
+1(808) 465- 82288084658228
**+1** **808** **480** **7981**8084807981
**+1** **808** **482** **6336**8084826336
+1 (808) 515-66558085156655
+1(808) 666-84938086668493
**+1** **808** **758** **0594**8087580594
+1 808 800 93868088009386
+1 808-999-95518089999551
+1(808) 999-99638089999963
+1(810) 204-45008102044500
+1 (810) 337-97608103379760
1 - ( 8 1 0 ) - ( 3 7 4 ) - ( 0 4 8 2 )8103740482
+1 ( 810 ) 584 - 55158105845515
+1 (810)643-15178106431517
+1 8 1 2 3 0 2 2 4 2 98123022429
+ 1 8 1 2 9 7 2 7 9 8 08129727980
+1 (813) - 365 - 99788133659978
(818) 293-84958182938495
+1(818) 322– 02518183220251
+1 ( 8 1 8 ) 3 2 2 – 0 9 8 18183220981
+1 (818) 493-19978184931997
1 - (8 1 8) - (5 7 0) - (6 0 1 4)8185706014
+1 (818)-850-54238188505423
+1 (82O) 333-18738203331873
+1 828 522 42578285224257
+1 830-313-98588303139858
+1 830 542 14458305421445
1(831) 824– 76928318247692
+1 833-3313-2498333313249
+1 (833) 846 01768338460176
+1 (833)-846-01768338460176
+1 (833) 846 01768338460176
+ 1 833 8531 1918338531191
+1 (844) 234-69588442346958
+1 844-4931-6738444931673
+1 (844) 516– 22518445162251
+1(844) 581-90088445819008
+1 (845) 694-49218456944921
+1 (850) 312 82808503128280
+1(855) 578 74378555787437
+1 (855) 699-12048556991204
+1 (855) 749-30808557493080
1 855 750 30278557503027
+1 (856) - 393 - 21158563932115
+1 (8,5,7) 2,3,9 (0,4,5,5)8572390455
+1( 857,239,0608 )8572390608
+1 (858) 365-58138583655813
+1 (858) 433-67408584336740
+ 1 (858)*480 73988584807398
(8 5 8)7 9 0-8 0 0 28587908002
+1 866 418 16068664181606
+1(866) 588-78228665887822
+1 (866) 914 02388669140238
+1 (877) 405-01598774050159
+ 1 ( 8 7 7 ) – ( 4 8 5 ) – ( 8 6 5 3 )8774858653
+1 (877) 514 54808775145480
+1 (877) 605-30698776053069
+1(877) 609–36968776093696
1 — ( 8 7 8 ) — ( 2 1 2 ) — ( 6 4 4 0 )8782126440
+1 (888) 202 91588882029158
+1 (888) 341-95688883419568
+ 1 8 8 8 4 1 5 0 2 1 38884150213
+1 888 509 53768885095376
+1(888) 584– 81388885848138
+1 (888) 601-14138886011413
+1 (888) 604-02218886040221
+1(888) 627-91648886279164
+1(888) 668– 54958886685495
+1-(888) 696-22238886962223
+1 (888) 714-93718887149371
+1 (888) 724-84298887248429
+1 {888} 727-21188887272118
+1(888) 829-14158888291415
+1 (888) 844-97548888449754
+1 (888) 850-34238888503423
+1 ( 888 ) - 853 - 35148888533514
+1 (888)-894-03668888940366
+1 888 928 35918889283591
(+1) 888-950-09768889500976
+1(888) 961–4932 8889614932
+1 (888) 961-50848889615084
+1(888) 971-12428889711242
+1 (888) 976 – 53108889765310
+1 (888)- (984)- (9689)8889849689
+1 (888) 986-61298889866129
+1 (888) 986-61298889866129
+1(888) 986–65988889866598
+1(888) 986-67858889866785
+1 (888) 986-95998889869599
+1 (909) - 281- 00259092810025
+1 (910)321–80579103218057
+1 (910)8081-5279108081527
+ 1 ( 916 ) 292 46369162924636

These messages come in all shapes and sizes, but here’s an example of one such scam.  Notice that the phone number provided has a different font face and size.  This is due to the number being an image rather than text.  Attackers due to this in an effort to evade text pattern matching.

Fake McAfee Email Phone scam
Fake McAfee Email Phone scam

Scammers will often abuse legitimate services to make their scams more believable.  This includes:

  • Sending fake invoices through intuit QuickBooks, where the email messages originate from and contain QuickBook links back to
  • Sending Yahoo! calendar invitations to “remind” victim’s that their subscription is due for renewal.
  • Using LinkedIn’s url shortener ( to hide the true destination

If you suspect an email that you have received is a scam, you can forward the message to

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